With Confidence, We Face the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Jennica Hill

We are all facing the fourth industrial revolution, which will cause great anxiety among workers and job seekers who believe that landing a dream job will be out of reach. They may fear that robotics and automation will take over their prized jobs. Many of them will feel helpless and even self-deprecating as a result of this.

Are we now in the midst of a period in which robots begin to seize the new workplace and become more desirable as job prospects than their human counterparts?

Is it possible that we will face a cold and desensitized workplace that will no longer value innovation and creativity?

Here are some pointers to help you adjust to your new workplace.


You must be deeply invested in the growth of your industry. You can begin by reading the latest news online or attending industry-expert conferences.


To continue working, you must determine whether you have obtained the necessary industry-recognized certification. If you are unsure, seek advice from your relevant trade association or mentors.

Understand the scope of your job.

This is the ideal time to re-examine and analyze your job responsibilities. With this in mind, consider whether your understanding of all the intricate processes has been thoroughly updated. Are you completely knowledgeable about the operation of your specific industry?


After conducting a thorough analysis of your specific industry, be open-minded enough to determine which aspects of your job scope can be completely automated. That’s correct. You heard me correctly.

It is preferable for you to face the inevitable and research which aspects of your current job will be eliminated from your daily work processes. Preparation is essential for avoiding overreaction.


You should also attempt to quantify the newly revised time allotted to you to complete your original work. Then you must consider how you can broaden your responsibilities or reduce your working hours.

Job Redefinition

This may be your best opportunity to consider a job redesign and possibly see how your job fits into the overall organizational process. As a result, you may discover that you need to change the primary location of your work in order to better align with the overall work process. This will result in you exerting less effort and being more productive during working hours.

Enhancement of Skills

Following your anticipated job redesign, you must be proactive in researching the new skills that will be required for you to adapt to the new workplace. You must be proactive and forward-thinking in identifying the necessary new skills and determining how your company will pay for your full training costs. Of course, in exchange for staying with your company for a set period of time, you may be required to sign a bond.


You must schedule a meeting with your human resources department to discuss how you would like to be compensated. This is critical because HR may be judging your productivity using outdated KPIs. In the past, this would have resulted in you being paid far too little.


Let’s be honest. You are now living in the age of disruption, when change is the norm rather than the exception. As a result, you must be willing to be adaptable and open-minded in order to complete the job without becoming too stubborn in using old thinking. It’s not business as usual anymore.

Various generational forces

You are now a part of a workplace with diverse generational forces, each with their own biases and experiences. Continue the conversation so that you are well-versed in the specifics of your employment contract.