Will the introduction of robots in the future increase the rate of unemployment?

Floyd Hill

Many people have wondered how the continued introduction of robot technology will affect the unemployment rate in today’s society. The introduction of robots into the manufacturing industry has already resulted in profound changes, particularly in the automotive sector. Simply ask the workers at various automotive, food processing, and electronics manufacturing plants.

People’s jobs are being taken over by advances in artificial intelligence and robot technology.

This can be a good thing because it will and is increasing manufacturing productivity. After all, robots don’t need to rest and are unlikely to demand a raise in pay. These machines, however, will need to be installed and maintained. This will necessitate the use of computer and robot technicians. This could be a good thing in terms of creating well-paying jobs. This type of workforce, however, will be limited, especially as the computer and robot industries learn how to create the software and hardware that comprise these devices more cheaply and quickly. These robot devices will be manufactured and replaced in a plug-and-play fashion. All you need to do is look at how the operating systems that power our computers and smartphones have evolved. After two or three years, smart phones have devolved into disposable items. The same is happening and will happen in the robotics and AI industries.

Although robot technologies have eliminated the need for humans to perform more repetitive and tedious tasks, they have also reduced the need for employees. Of course, this has increased the unemployment rate in some urban areas, at least until those who have lost their jobs can upgrade their skill sets.

But who’s to say that once these people’s skill sets have been upgraded, they won’t be replaced by new technological advances?

Just ask anyone in the information technology industry. People working in this industry are said to need to upgrade their skills every three to four years. A computer technician thirty years ago did not need to be familiar with the internet. Except in the most secret and primitive applications, they didn’t need to know anything about AI, such as voice recognition or speech synthesis.

On the bright side, these changes are being observed in the fast food industry. As technology advances, those who own and manage these types of businesses are already implementing changes to maximize profits through the use of artificial intelligence and related robot technologies. Some of these technologies enable customers to interact with them. These artificial intelligence-powered technologies will take your order and discuss the toppings you want on your pizza. One major pizza delivery company has already put such a system in place.