How to Use a Wallboard as a Productivity and Motivational Tool

Floyd Hill

Wallboard is a more advanced version of an office whiteboard, which was previously used to communicate key business metrics.

The real-time data displayed by electronic wallboards actually assists employees in prioritizing their tasks and determining their next steps.

The Advantages of Using Wall Boards
These are mostly used to communicate information in real time so that everyone is on the same page and business runs smoothly.

The most significant advantage of using electronic boards is the ability to communicate with teams in real time. It assists you in making your organization agile and quick, which can be your most valuable asset in the long run.

How can you make the most of your wall boards?
When it comes to selecting data to be displayed on boards, it is critical to display information that is relevant and useful to the organization.

As a result, the interface should be clutter-free and simple to use. The most effective electronic displays are those that present information in a clear, concise, and understandable manner.

That is why the most recent wallboard software employs infographics rather than numbers and dull tables.

Set up and personalize your bulletin boards
Advanced display software allows users and managers to configure and customize the display to meet the needs of the business. Displaying information in a dynamic, graphical, and interesting format is far more effective than displaying data in a purely numerical format.

Gaming display techniques are also used to enhance the board’s content’s interest and engagement.

Graphics are used effectively to increase engagement.
Consider contact center agents or on-the-floor employees to be athletes on a running track. The athlete who is ahead of the rest on the track is shown to be the best performer among them. It is an intriguing method of conveying the desired information in order to motivate other team members.

Consider the impact of rockets on skyscrapers, which are used to represent individuals’ sales performance. It increases overall floor productivity and fosters healthy competition among team members.

Select your messages carefully to reduce stress on the floor.
It is critical for managers to select the information displayed on the boards. Contact center employees, for example, are frequently subjected to high levels of stress, and things can become extremely difficult for them at times.

The key performance indicators (KPIs) displayed on the display boards can be quite disappointing and demoralizing for the teams at times. In such an environment, managers should avoid focusing too heavily on metrics, which could lead to even more stress and negativity on the floor.

Replace them with light inspirational and motivational messages, and recognize key achievements of employees even during a difficult period.

Create a positive and healthy communication environment.
Wallboards, in my opinion, should be used wisely. The goal should be to create a positive atmosphere on the job site and to encourage healthy competition, as well as to ensure that the company is on the right track.

Managers can take innovative steps such as customizing and setting up the boards in such a way that they not only display the key business metrics and KPIs but also act to boost overall employee morale.

The messages should be carefully selected in order to motivate the employees on the floor. For example, the emphasis should not be solely on the quantity and numbers. If someone demonstrates excellent quality or a parameter that is frequently overlooked, he or she should be rewarded and recognized for it.

Show the bigger picture
If a contact center employee has a higher AHT or average handling time but also a high score in terms of problem resolution or sales closing, this should be mentioned and highlighted on the display boards.

Use gentle reminders.
When it comes to key performance indicators, a gentle reminder is the best method. For example, if a team’s overall average handling time is increasing, it may be cause for concern, and a gentle reminder will assist the team in taking corrective action.

Determine the need for training.
Similarly, if one team consistently performs well in sales while another consistently performs poorly, the training manager can identify the need for training and place the concerned team back in training rooms.

The goal is to increase overall productivity rather than to single out or mock someone for poor performance. As a result, managers must exercise extreme caution when deciding how information should be displayed on the boards.

Soft reminders are extremely useful, but they should be used sparingly and selectively to avoid instilling negative feelings on the floor. Display boards are a powerful tool for increasing productivity and organizing your business, but an insensitive display of information may increase employee stress levels. It may also increase the rate of attrition.

Display only relevant information
Displaying unnecessary information on the boards may cause users to become distracted. Keep it interesting and engaging; otherwise, its entire purpose will be defeated.

Only relevant information should be displayed in order to improve overall quality and productivity.

Select the appropriate frequency for communication.
Again, selecting a frequency is critical. Meanwhile, managers can use the wall boards creatively to share useful information and product updates. This will assist agents in improving their product knowledge and reducing the need for additional training sessions.

Showcase dynamic scripts
In a contact center setting, the wall boards can also be used to display dynamic scripts to assist agents and train them to handle various types of calls.

Using wall displays and agent desktops, there are a variety of creative and innovative methods that can be used to improve overall efficiency and productivity on the work floor.

Bring warmth into the room by employing personalized techniques.
Wish your employees happy birthdays and anniversaries to make them feel appreciated.

Use your bulletin boards to display product updates.
Use your display to provide your employees with the most up-to-date information, tips and tricks, scripts, product updates, industry updates, and training material for effective learning and increased productivity.

Ongoing and live training provided via the display boards will reduce the need for additional training sessions, which may be counterproductive in terms of lost work hours.