How to Speak Up and Get the Promotion You Deserve

Jennica Hill

You’ve put in a lot of effort as a professional in the construction, engineering, or environmental fields. You’ve demonstrated your commitment to the company. You know you’re deserving of a raise, but asking for one can be a frightening and intimidating experience. If you’re thinking about approaching your boss about a promotion, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances.

Wait for the Perfect Moment

While your length of service with the company should not be the only deciding factor, it is important to understand that it may play a role in whether your employer believes you deserve a promotion. According to a recent article, only 6.4% of employees are promoted during their first year on the job. This figure rises to 22% for those in their third year with a company. While this does not preclude you from requesting a promotion in your first or second year with a company, it is critical that you conduct a self-evaluation. Have you made enough contributions to the company to merit a raise?

It may be worthwhile to wait another year, or even a few months, before attempting to get a promotion. It is also worth noting that summer is regarded as the best time to ask for a promotion, which is ideal for many people who build houses or work outside in other ways. Summer is typically their busiest season.

Approach the Problem Directly

It may be intimidating to approach your boss and ask for a promotion, but it is the only way to find out if your boss is willing to consider giving you a promotion. Depending on your relationship with your boss, you can do this in a formal setting by requesting a meeting, or in a casual setting by mentioning that you believe you deserve a promotion.

Following Up

It is critical to follow up after mentioning the promotion. Send an email to your boss. Mention it again in a week or so. When possible, incorporate it into conversations. Even if there isn’t a position available right now, make your desires known. While you should avoid being annoying, it is critical to be persistent. You may not get the promotion right away, but if you don’t give up, you’re more likely to be considered for one in the future.

Prepare the Why.

When requesting a promotion, it is critical to have facts, statistics, or other information to back up your request. Do things that demonstrate your worthiness for a promotion as you prepare to ask for one. Taking on larger projects, taking on more responsibility, or otherwise contributing to the company on a larger scale may be examples of this. Just be careful not to overburden yourself or appear overly eager for the promotion. One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to get a promotion is becoming a brown-noser or attempting to take over your supervisor’s responsibilities. Instead, do your job to the best of your abilities and be prepared to demonstrate why you are the best candidate for the promotion.

You might even ask for the chance to prove yourself. Volunteer to take on some of the responsibilities of the position you want for a limited time. Then you can demonstrate that you are the best candidate for the job. The most important aspect of asking for a promotion is to plan ahead of time. Practice what you’re going to say ahead of time, and you’ll be able to approach the issue with confidence.