In an interview, here are some pointers on how to act like a rock star.
Many common themes in the interview process emerged after interviewing several retail and grocery store managers about their hiring experiences. Several managers expressed dissatisfaction with candidates seeking entry-level positions’ interviewing skills. I decided to share some tips on how to interview like a rock star and get the job after gathering their concerns and compiling a list. Here are some important pointers to remember:
Investigate the company. Google the company to learn about its history, size, and the products it specializes in. Inquire with anyone you know who works at the company. Keep up to date! Knowing something about the company will impress the interviewer because it demonstrates that you took the time to do your research.
External Appearance. Make sure you are dressed professionally. One manager told me that he has seen interviewees wear holey T-shirts, filthy clothes, and inappropriately revealing clothing. Wearing sagging pants, T-shirts, jeans, shorts, revealing tops or short skirts, flip-flops or sneakers will make you stand out. Make sure you’re dressed for the interview in something your grandmother would like to see you in, or something you’d wear to a very nice wedding. You want to make a good first impression, and how you dress will have an immediate impact.
It is not permitted to chew gum or eat candy during the interview. First and foremost, this is impolite. Second, eating is very distracting and interferes with talking.
Keep your phone hidden and turned off before the interview. Never look at your phone while the interviewer is present. If you do, you are sending a nonverbal message to the interviewer that the phone is more important than the interview. Do not turn the phone back on until you have finished the interview and are out of the interviewer’s sight. Hiring managers report having interviewees respond to texts during the interview, which they find disrespectful and unacceptable.
When you first meet the interviewer, shake his or her hand. A firm handshake and eye contact demonstrate a high level of confidence. This is critical because hiring managers are watching how you behave.
Thank you – Always say thank you at the end of the interview. Also, send a post-interview thank you email reiterating your interest in the position.
Pose inquiries. If you’ve done your homework, you’re bound to have some questions. Inquire about working hours, days available to work, and training.
Bring a paper copy of your resume with you. It demonstrates that you are well-prepared. Offer your copy to the interviewer. You want them to remember you and remember how well you prepared.
Following these ROCK STAR tips will put you ahead of those who are unprepared. Remember that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so you want to impress the interviewer and get the job.