How to Effectively Communicate During a Phone Interview

Jennica Hill

Many employers begin the job interview process with a phone interview to get to know the candidate before the in-person interview. This allows the interviewer to save time by selecting the best potential employee for the next step in the interview process. Some people don’t present themselves well over the phone, so here are some pointers to help you get hired!

1. Understand the industry

When you have a phone interview, do some research on the company and their industry. Every industry, from construction to engineering to environmental, has its own jargon and emphasis. Learn some phrases that will be useful in your new position so that you can incorporate them into the conversation.

2. Pay attention!

Many people believe that they must do all of the talking during phone interviews. It’s critical to let the other person on the line speak. Even more importantly, you should pay attention to what the other person has to say. As part of the process, the interviewer may even put your listening skills to the test. Consider repeating things back to the interviewer and always wait until they have finished what they are saying before speaking.

3. “uh…”

Take care with what you say. If you do need to think for a moment, avoid using the word “um.” Instead, consider observing a moment of silence. Try to get rid of any other unprofessional words in your vocabulary, such as “like.”

4. Perfect practice makes perfect

Make sure to practice your responses to potential interview questions before the interview. Typical interview questions include the following:

What makes you want to work for us?
What do you think your greatest strengths and weaknesses are?
What do you want to be in five years?
Describe a time in your previous job when you had to work as part of a team.

Knowing the most frequently asked questions can help you prepare, but you should also be prepared for anything that comes your way. You should also practice keeping your cool by having a friend or relative ask you difficult questions to see how you handle pressure.

5. Keep distractions to a minimum during the interview

Interviews are already difficult. You don’t require any distractions. When it comes time for your job interview, look for a comfortable and quiet location with good reception. Make certain that any children or pets are being watched over by someone else. You’ll also want to make sure you have a clear head, so start with a cup of coffee in the morning. Finally, close the windows to keep outside noises from distracting you. You want the interviewer’s attention to be on you, not on the chaos around you.

Getting the initial interview is only half the battle. Based on your resume or application, they must have liked something about you, so be confident! Use these tools to get from the phone interview to the in-person interview for a construction job, an environmental job, or an engineering job.