In terms of behavior, humans are one-of-a-kind. Even when confronted with the same situations, they exhibit a wide range of behavior. This is particularly true at work. Some employees prefer to be constantly busy in order to complete tasks and gain a sense of accomplishment. Others prefer to persuade others to get things done, whereas others attempt to connect people in order to achieve a goal. These three people are known as doers, influencers, and connectors. These three characters have emerged as pivotal figures in the new world of work known as the knowledge economy. The new knowledge workers are essentially the doers, influencers, and connectors.
What is the best way to communicate with doers?
These people prefer to act quickly in order to complete tasks as quickly as possible. They are more likely to cut to the chase and get to the heart of the issue without delay. They try to avoid all kinds of minor details and look for the best shortcuts to avoid boredom. They value freedom and are willing to take the risks that it entails. They are entrepreneurs who frequently start their own businesses. They enjoy being recognized by the public for their accomplishments in their field. They are not interested in theories or discourses; they prefer to act. These doers are most commonly found in the business world. They complete their tasks without consulting management textbooks. They are only concerned with one thing: action.
They dislike small talk because they prefer to get right to the point. When communicating with doers, try to be direct, avoid complex stories, speak in direct and short sentences, give direct responses, and avoid theories and debating their points of view. In short, try to deliver your messages in an uncomplicated manner and avoid complicated facts that are difficult to comprehend with common sense. To avoid boredom, always appreciate their actions and respond quickly.
What is the best way to communicate with influencers?
These people prefer to process their thoughts verbally. When communicating with others, they prefer to ‘think hard.’ They enjoy interrupting others, especially when the topic of conversation is relevant. They don’t see it as an interruption, but rather as part of a lively conversation.
Because they are polite, creative, and persuasive, they enjoy interacting with others. However, they require the assistance of another person to complete their task. They enjoy social interactions, recognition, and opportunities to express themselves creatively. They enjoy assisting others in resolving problems because they are good at forming long-term relationships. They genuinely care about others, but this can lead to tragic dramas because they are unaware of the psychological effects of their interventions in other people’s lives. In their spare time, their favorite pastime is teasing others.
When communicating with the influencer, use cheerful words because they like happiness, allow them to cut off your sentence as long as the conversation continues, show sympathy when they are talking, pretend to be influenced by them, and avoid debating with them. These people will be unable to influence you if you maintain your composure. Surprisingly, they are truly impressed by those who do not influence them.
What is the best way to communicate with connectors?
These people serve as the go-betweens for a group of people who are all dealing with the same issue. They are dependable people who work hard. They prefer to listen to other people’s opinions rather than express their own. Although they appear to be tough at times, they are open to change as long as it benefits them and others. When communicating with connectors, try to be honest and to the point, ask what they have done so far, praise them in a personal and sincere way, show your admiration for them with smiles and other relevant body language, always say that they know better, avoid small talk, and ask for and praise their opinions. Connectors are efficient workers who can effectively follow instructions if you know how to recognize their achievements. They will become good colleagues if we can communicate with them in an open and responsible manner. Consistency is also important to them, and it all leads to the achievement of expected results.