Five Phrases to Avoid Using During Job Interviews

Kiandra Martin

1. Never use the word ‘Yeah’ for Yes.

If there is one thing we are guilty of, it is using the word “Yea.” I must state that the word is not formal, which irritates interviewers. It can sometimes be so bad that the interviewer’s face shows signs of irritation.

As I previously stated, the word ‘yeah’ is never formal. It is a casual conversation word that is used when socializing with friends or family members. Note-Regardless of how qualified you believe you are, using the word ‘yeah’ instead of ‘yes’ can jeopardize your chances of being hired.

2. Avoid using the phrase “I’m not sure” as an answer.

When the interviewers throw difficult questions at you, make sure to come up with an answer rather than saying, “I don’t know.” This type of response makes you appear rude, clueless, and uninterested.

3. Never say, “I’ll be returning to school soon.”

First and foremost, I must remind you that the cost of hiring, training, and retraining new employees is always on the high side. Having said that, avoid telling the job interviewer(s) that you intend to return to school soon.

We are not implying that hiring managers do not want you to upgrade or improve your skill set through certification. Having to recruit for the same role multiple times in the next few months is not ideal for businesses because it is not cost-effective. Even if you intend to return to school, you should keep it to yourself because no organization wants to hire someone who will not give them value for their time and money.

4. Never say anything negative about your former boss.

When given the opportunity to attend a job interview, most applicants make the mistake of speaking negatively about their previous job/boss.

It is unacceptable to tell the interviewer how much you despise your previous job. Be civil, positive, truthful, and formal. When the interviewer asks about your relationships with former coworkers and bosses, be gracious in sharing but keep your words to a minimum.

5. “Please allow me to take this call.”

The first thing any serious person does is turn off his or her cell phone before and during the interview. You should never allow your phone to ring in order to distract you from the interview.

Using your cell phone during an interview, on the other hand, would directly jeopardize your chances of being hired. Allowing your phone to ring in the middle of such serious business is not recommended, and never ask for permission to answer the call.


Interviews provide an opportunity to land a job of interest, but you must be aware of the things you should never say, especially if you want to be the best candidate for the position. Always be prepared, use the appropriate words, be positive, avoid using the phrase ‘I don’t know’ as an answer, and always turn your handset/phone to silent.